About the Scholarship Golf Tournament
The PULCF is celebrating 29 years of service to the community and sponsoring a Golf Tournament to raise funds for Scholarships.
Tournament Information
- $135 per golfer
- $500 per foursome
The tournament will take place on Monday, September 25, 2023, at the Oak Creek Golf Club located at 600 Bowieville Manor Lane, Upper Marlboro, MD, 20774. Registration begins at 8:00 a.m. with a shotgun start time of 8:30 a.m.
For tickets, visit our Eventbrite site.
Sponsorship Information
For our Scholarship Golf Tournament this year, we are offering different levels of sponsorship. Most players will be business professionals, who are looking forward to a Fall golf outing that also provides a networking opportunity.
Below is the list of sponsorships available:
Available Sponsorships:
Name | Amount |
Sponsor Title |
$5,000 |
Awards Reception | $3,000 |
Gift Sponsor | $2,500 |
Golf Cart Sponsor | $2,500 |
Lunch Sponsor | $2,000 |
Scoring / Scoreboard Sponsor | $1,500 |
Beverage & Snack Cart Sponsor | $1,000 |
Driving Range | $750 |
Putting Green | $750 |
Hole-In-One Sponsor | |
Tee / Green | $250 |
Contest Hole Sponsor | $100 |
All sponsors will receive appropriate recognition for their generosity and support.
Sponsorship Levels:
Type | Amount | Details |
Platinum | $1,500+ |
Gold | $1,000 – $1,499 |
Silver | $750 – $999 |
Patron | $1 – $499 |
The deadline for a sponsorship commitment is September 30, 2023. Online sponsorship and registration are available on our website at www.pulcf.org, sending money to $PULCF (CashApp), or you can mail your contribution with a check payable to PULCF (write Scholarship Golf Tournament into the memo line).